Families Renewed, Inc.

Policy On

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  1. Background

    1. As of the writing of this policy, we find ourselves in an environment where there is much political and cultural turmoil regarding diversity, equity and equity vs. equality, inclusion, belonging, fairness, success, the growing income and wealth disparity between the wealthy and the poor, and measuring opportunity versus measuring outcome. Families Renewed, Inc., believes that these concepts are best applied individually, apolitically, and from an individual perspective.

    2. For example, we attempt to apply a concept of fairness to an immigrant who entered the United States with nothing more than the clothes on his back who worked long hours, made the sacrifices that were needed, and lived modestly to save as much as he could so, after many years of work and sacrifice, he could start a business of his own. Then we can compare that story, which is not uncommon, to the story of an employee who now works for that business owner who is just starting out in a career and, compared to the business owner, being paid a relatively low wage he agreed to when he accepted the job. From the perspective of the business owner, it is fair that he makes more money because of the years of sacrifice, effort, financial investment, and assumption of risk he put in to get to the point where he is at this time. From his perspective this is simply a return on his investment. The perspective of the employee could be the same or different. The employee may believe it is fair because he is getting paid to learn the things he needs to learn to be able to be more successful in the future, or that he is getting what he agreed to. Or, the employee may compare the disparity that exists between the income of the business owner and his own income and believe it is unfair. In other words, the concept of fairness is subjective and depends on situation, perspective, and experience.

    3. Another example that details the complexity of the fairness concept is one where one individual was born to a rich family and desires to start his own business. A second individual was born to a poor family and desires to start his own business that is exactly the same as the first individual. The first individual has all the resources afforded to him by the wealthy family he was born into and can achieve what he is looking to achieve with little or no effort. The second does not have any of those resources, must work hard to achieve the same level of success with the likelihood of failure being greater. Is this situation fair?

    4. What about the individual who wants to achieve the same level of success achieved by someone who worked and sacrificed to achieve, but doesn’t want to put in the same work and sacrifice as the one who achieved that level of success? If the individual who doesn’t want to put in the same work and sacrifice wants the same resources as the individual who did, is it fair to take resources from the one and give to the other? What other issues are involved that influence those who do not achieve the success of others?

    5. The last example is that of a bilateral above knee amputee who wants to be a marathon runner, wants to be competitive, and wants the opportunity to win. He has the same opportunity as anyone else to run in the marathon, but the odds are stacked against him because he has no lower legs. Without specific individual assistance, he has no opportunity to succeed. To level the playing field, he needs to be fit with prosthetic devices specially designed for running so he has a reasonable expectation to be able to realize his dream of running, competing, and possibly winning a marathon. His situation is not fair but the playing field is as level as it can be. The rest is up to him.

    6. These are the questions of our day, and strong arguments can be made on both sides of these questions. These questions are complex. The purpose of this policy is not to answer these questions, but to provide a framework for how Families Renewed, Inc., will respond to these questions.

  2. Position

    1. Families Renewed, Inc., is an apolitical non-partisan organization. It does not take a position on politics and it does not take a position in the culture wars. As a matter of ideology, Families Renewed, Inc., acknowledges that life is not fair and that what is fair for one individual can be inherently unfair to another. However, Families Renewed, Inc., believes a moral imperative exists to level the playing field as much as possible for everyone. The measurement of a level playing field is not found in measuring the outcome. A level playing field is measured by the equal opportunity that is guaranteed to citizens of the United States in the Constitution and by the availability of additional assistance and resources as may be needed by someone on an individual basis. Some individuals need more assistance than others to truly have the same opportunity for success and Families Renewed, Inc., fills that need for problems that affect families the most.

    2. It is core to the mission of Families Renewed, Inc., to offer that assistance as it relates to homelessness, mental health, and child abuse. In terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion, it levels the playing field in the areas that can negatively impact children and families the most. The policy below states the response of Families Renewed, Inc., to the needs of children and families in the community without respect to the political and cultural conflicts and without respect to the language that reflects those conflicts.

  3. Policy

    1. Inclusion

      1. As per the non-discrimination policy and as an extension thereof, no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of Families Renewed, Inc., on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity (as identified in paragraph 249 (c)(4) of title 18, United States Code), sexual orientation, marital or parental status, physical or mental ability.

    2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

      1. The Families Renewed, Inc., board of directors, board of advisors, and staff are committed to making York County, and other jurisdictions within Families Renewed, Inc.’s service area, areas where all residents not only have equal opportunities to thrive, but have the additional resources needed on an individually needed basis to be able to thrive, pursue their dreams, and have a reasonable expectation to reach those dreams.

      2. We will prioritize our own internal education on all forms of individual and systemic biases that may currently exist or arise in the future.

      3. All decision making will be mindful of the above referenced practices, including decisions about grant making, donor services, and community initiatives.

      4. Families Renewed, Inc., will be bold, intentional, authentic, and public about our values and commitment to those values. Sharing knowledge and power is essential to this commitment. Families Renewed, Inc., will share its knowledge for the betterment of the community it serves.