"We Help Children and Families in Crisis"

Crisis Phone: 866-7-HELP-ME
Office Phone: (717)428-3140

Children and Families
Need Your Help

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you wish to donate to:

Checks and correspondence can be sent to:
Families Renewed, Inc.
644 Shrewsbury Commons Avenue, #261
Shrewsbury, PA 17361

Getting Help From Families Renewed

**All links, tools, and forms for assistance are below**

How We Help

Families Renewed, Inc., is a faith based 501 (c) (3) non profit organization created in 2013 to help children and families in crisis. We specifically work in the three areas that impact children and families the most. We work with children and families who are homeless or are in danger of homelessness, are struggling with thoughts of suicide or engaging in acts of self harm, or are dealing with child or spousal abuse. Our primary service area is in the Harrisburg - Baltimore Corridor, however as we grow we will be opening offices in other areas of need. We are located in York County, Pennsylvania, and as such our primary service area is in York County. The other counties in our service area in Pennsylvania include Lower Dauphin County, Eastern Cumberland County, Lancaster County, and the City of Harrisburg. Maryland counties in our service area include Baltimore County, Carroll County, Northern Howard County, Western Harford County, and Baltimore City. We are focused specifically on children and families. We don't turn away anyone, however for individuals who are outside our focus, we refer to organizations and agencies who are equipped to assist them.

There are two methods we use to respond to the needs of those who reach out to us. Rescue is where we immediatly resolve the impending situation on behalf of those who reach out to us for help. Assist is where we work with those who reach out to us to resolve the impending situation together as a team. Our primary methodology is to assist. This is consistent with our mission to help build strength and stability within the family. When we assist, the family is a part of the solution and learns the tools that are needed to avoid similar situations in the future. There are sometimes when we utilize both methodologies. Those are the times where there is not enough time to simply assist. In these instances Families Renewed, Inc., will rescue in the immediate need, the move to a role where it is more appropriate to assist.

To get assistance, choose one of the links below:

Our work in this area surrounds the development of the Life Behavioral Skills Training (LifeBST) K-12 curriculum, offering guidance and support to parents of children and teens struggling with suicidal ideation and self harm, and referrals to mental health professionals. WE ARE NOT LICENSED THERAPISTS and we cannot fill that role here. Some of us have been trained to be peer counselors and have worked answering calls on various suicide hotlines. Those of us who have, can listen and talk to those who are struggling on a peer level, but we cannot provide professional therapy. If you or someone you know is in crisis or needs immediate help, you can call the national suicide and crisis lifeline by dialing 988. Or, if the crisis is more urgent, you can call 911.

To learn more about our evidence based suicide and self harm prevention program, LifeBST, you can visit our website www.lifebst.org. If you need support or a referral, you can contact us in writing on the contact page, or by calling us at 866.7.HELP.ME.